The Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) is a statewide family violence advocacy organization dedicated solely to creating safer communities and freedom from family violence. With a statewide reach and direct local impact, TCFV shapes public policy, equips service providers with essential tools, and initiates strategic prevention efforts. TCFV is one of the largest domestic violence coalitions in the nation. It is strengthened by a membership of more than 1,000 family violence service providers, businesses and business professionals, communities of faith, concerned citizens, and family violence survivors.
TCFV offers technical assistance and support to external systems and stakeholders around the severe safety risks domestic violence presents and strategies to address and operationalize safety centeredness. TCFV’s focus on family safety, well-being, and healing make them prioritize partnerships with child protection and custody stakeholders. TCFV monitors Batterer Intervention and Prevention Programs (BIPP) and offers training and education to aspiring and current BIPP service providers, including training on how to address parenting with men who use violence against their intimate partners. TCFV stands ready to connect individuals and agencies with relevant family violence services and information as they further their mission to encourage safe, healthy relationships and create a future free from domestic violence.
TCFV has extensive training and educational resources on their website, They are available to provide technical assistance to professionals from any field to promote safety for domestic violence survivors and their families as well as accountability and opportunities for change for those who use violence in their relationships.
Contact TCFV to learn more
Phone: 1-800-525-1978
Email: [email protected]